Introduction – How To Use Welcome Emails To Improve Email Marketing Conversions in 2021
We know that email marketing is a powerful marketing medium that can be used to nurture leads into customers and clients.
We also know that email marketing is the most profitable marketing media available to us today with an average return of $44 for every $1 invested into an email marketing campaign.
The only problem is that almost everyone is sending emails and so it is becoming harder to make a connection with and convert our email marketing leads to customers.
Lucky for us there is a simple way to turn our fortunes around.
There is a simple way for us to massively boost our email marketing open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.
The answer to our problem is welcome emails.
Welcome email campaigns can increase loyalty and trust in your products or services while also improving the open rates and clickthrough rates from your email marketing campaigns.
In this blog post, we will teach you how you can use welcome emails as part of your email marketing campaign strategy: open rates, clickthrough rates, conversions, and profits from your email marketing campaign will all increase with the help of welcome emails!
We will learn how to use welcome emails to increase returns from our marketing strategies as well.
Let us get started!
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What Are Welcome Emails?
Welcome emails are welcome messages that you send to new subscribers on your email list. These welcome emails can be sent automatically or manually, depending on how often you want the welcome message delivered and if you use a single welcome email or a drip sequence with several.
Welcome email campaigns are a great way to welcome new subscribers and place them into your marketing funnel.
They are a great way to welcome new subscribers and give them the information they need to start using your product or service.
These types of emails can help you build trust, loyalty, and interest in your products from potential customers.
Customers like getting welcome emails because they feel special when companies take the time to personalize these messages for them.
They also help potential customers get started with using their product or service by providing information about what it is as well as tips on how best to use it- all important aspects of customer care that should always be included in any type of communication between the company and customer

Some Important Email Marketing Statistics You Should Know In 2021
In this section, we will take a look at some very important welcome email statistics that you should know in 2021.
These welcome email statistics will give you a very good idea of how you can use welcome emails to improve your email marketing campaigns.
They will also help you to understand just how powerful welcome emails are in getting you more conversions, sales, clients, and customers from your email marketing campaigns.
Let us get started!
No. 1 The Average Open Rate For Welcome Emails Is Over 91%
According to Mailchimp, the average open rate of emails across all industries is 21.33%. However, a study done by HiveCo in 2018 (the same year as the Mailchimp study) found the average open rate for welcome emails to be a jaw-dropping 91.43%.
This data shows that welcome emails are not only an effective way of welcoming new subscribers and placing them into your marketing funnel, they also have a higher open rate than most email campaigns!
We will explore how to use this to grow your business in the next section.
No. 2 The Average Click Through Rate for Welcome Emails Is 26.90%
In the same study by Mailchimp, the average Click Through Rate of regular emails was found to be 2.62%. This is compared to the results of the study done by HiveCo that found the average Click Through Rate for welcome emails to be as high as 26.90%.
Welcome emails are not only welcome messages, they also help to increase the clickthrough rate of your email campaigns.
This helps you generate more conversions!
It is important that welcome emails contain a compelling call-to-action and have an offer inside them in order for this process to work well.
When these two things come together – welcome email + compelling call-to-action and offer – they can generate an average of 26.90% clickthrough rates!
This data shows that welcome email campaigns are not only effective for welcoming new subscribers, but also help to increase the entire conversion rate in your email marketing campaign.
No. 3 4.03 Billion People Use Email In 2021
In comparison, the most popular social media platform in the world, Facebook, has only 2.2 billion monthly active users.
Experts also expect the number of email users to grow to 4.48 billion by 2024.
That means that email is the most widely used and most powerful marketing media available to us in 2021.
With it, you have the highest chance to connect with and reach your customers and prospects.
No. 4 Around 80% Of Small Businesses Say Email Is Their Most Important Marketing Channel
In a survey conducted by eMarketer, in a research done with 254 retail professionals in the U.S with revenues under $100 million it was reported that 81% of respondents found email useful for customer acquisition, and another 80% found it useful for customer retention.
This data goes to show how important email marketing is for the success of your small business in the short term with customer acquisition and the long term with customer retention.

No. 5 The Median Email Marketing Return On Investment (ROI) Is 122%
In a study done by eMarketer as reported by lyfemarketing the median Return On Investment for email marketing is a whopping 122%.
This number is derived from the fact that email marketing is a powerful driver of conversion in not only sales and acquiring new customers but it also improves the profitability of all parts of your sales funnel.
For this reason, it might be difficult for digital marketers to accurately measure the Return On Investment generated by email marketing.
However, email marketing has been found to generate a median Return On Investment of 122% which is four times higher than the nearest marketing channel.
No. 6 Email Is 40 Times More Effective For Customer Acquisition Than Social Media
In a report by Mckinsey, email marketing was found to be expressively more effective at acquiring new customers than even Facebook and Twitter combined.
McKinsey found that this was because over 90% of all US consumers still use email daily and the rate at which it promised purchases was estimated to be at least three times more than after social media.
The McKinsey report also found that the average order value via email was 17% higher than that on social media.
For these reasons, we can see the power of email marketing in acquiring and converting leads to customers in our business.
We will explore how to improve these conversion numbers by using welcome emails as part of our email marketing campaigns in this article.
No. 7 Personalizing Your Subject Lines Will Boost Open Rates By 50%
According to research done by Yes Lifecycle Marketing, only about 2% of all marketing emails use personalization.
However, personalizing your email subject lines has been found to boost open rates by 50%.
If we couple this with a welcome email then we will move as close as possible to the highest open rates achievable for our email marketing campaigns.
Let us learn how to use all these statistics to improve our email marketing campaign results in the next section

How Welcome Emails Improve Your Email Marketing Open Rate, Click Through Rate, And Conversions
Welcome emails are the first emails a customer will receive from your business.
It is important to welcome customers and provide them with information about how they can use your products and services, as well as clear instructions on what steps need to be taken in order for them to get started using these services.
One great way that welcome emails improve email marketing conversions
Email marketing is one of the most powerful marketing channels available to us today and has the highest Return On Investment with an average of $44 of expected returns for every $1 invested.
Additionally, email marketing is also said to have a median Return On Investment of $122 for every dollar invested.
If we are able to nail our email marketing campaigns then we will be able to grow our business without ever having to worry about where our next sale or customer will come from.
Some of the benefits of email marketing are:
- Email marketing is cost-effective in comparison to other marketing channels.
- Email Marketing helps to reach more potential customers.
- Email Marketing has a higher click-through rate than some other channels.
- Email marketing is a cheap and easy way to market to your customers and grow your business. You can even get started for free with a popular service like Mailchimp
- Email marketing makes it easy and effective to build trust and a deep relationship with your customers. This leads to higher conversions, sales, and brand loyalty.
You can improve your email campaigns with welcome emails, which help customers become invested in your brand and trust you more.
Now that we know all these amazing facts about email marketing we should note that by using welcome emails we are able to boost the effectiveness and ROI of our email marketing campaigns.
Welcome emails are a powerful tool in email marketing that we will explore in this article.
The welcome emails are the first message your customers receive from you and they should be personalized to make them more personal for them.
Customers today expect a welcome email within minutes of signing up that helps in establishing trust with their new company.
There is no better way to improve conversions than by sending out welcome emails as part of our email marketing campaign strategy.
There has been significant research done on how welcome emails can help us achieve higher open rates, click-through rates, and conversion numbers which also means more profits through email campaigns if we use these welcome messages effectively.
Let’s take a look at some ways welcome messages can be used as part of an effective marketing strategy
In the next section, we will help you understand how to use welcome emails to boost your email marketing campaign results.
Let us learn how to use welcome emails to boost our email marketing open rate, click-through rate, return on investments, and results!

How To Use Welcome Emails To Improve Your Email Marketing Campaigns And Get More Email Marketing Sales
In this section, we are going to discuss how we can use welcome emails to improve the returns on investment that you can experience from your email marketing campaigns.
As we learned in the previous section welcome emails have a higher open rate and clickthrough rate than regular emails.
We also learned that over 50% of all email users expected companies to send them welcome emails.
If we look to add the major deciding factors of what the science decides a customer or lead opening our email clicking through to an offer and making a purchase then we can understand how best to use welcome emails to improve not only our open rates and click-through rates but the engagement in our email marketing campaigns.
What we need to do is ensure that we use email marketing the right way.
The most important factor in deciding how our emails are received when we send them to our email list is familiarity with the sender and the second most important factor is trust.
When a new subscriber joins our email list it is very important that we use a welcome email to build familiarity and trust with our new subscriber right off the bat.
We also need to ensure our welcome email also gets them integrated into our online community.
In this welcome email, the first thing that we need to do is introduce ourselves.
When we introduce ourselves to our new email subscribers we should try to build a personal relationship with them.
Right off the bat, that means that we will not introduce ourselves by using the name of our company but as a person who works at our company.
For example, when you join our email list and you receive our welcome email you will not receive it from Zeilhan but you will receive it from Jabez from Zeilhan.
The reason that this works is that it builds a personal relationship with you from day one and it helps your email subscriber to know that there is a human on the other side of the email that is invested in their success.

One other thing that we must make note of is that we must always use personalization whenever we connect with our email leads.
So our first email to our new email subscriber lead should be sent to them by recognizing their personal identity.
We will achieve this using their first name or the name that they entered in their email sign-up form. This is known as email personalization.
After we send this email we take note of the fact that the welcome email will be triggered, for example using a drip campaign, buy a new lead being added to our email subscriber list.
Then this new email lead will be sent an email from someone in your company and will be directed to them with the subject line including their first name.
Based on the data statistics we looked at above we know that using a welcome email and personalization will give us the highest open rates possible.
What Should I Include In My Welcome Emails To Boost Open Rate And Click Through Rate?
But now that we are to send them our welcome email, what do we need to include in it so that they get the maximum value that will ensure that they keep coming back and opening our emails not just now but keep opening every email that we send them?
That is an excellent question!
The answer to your question and the way to do this is that in your first welcome email, of a 3 email drip sequence, for example, you will need to include some valuable information.
Some of the information you need to include in your first welcome email is:
- Tell them who you are
- Tell them how you plan to help them (by offering massive value-packed in every email)
- Ensure that you tell your email subscribers how often you plan to send them emails.
We recommend you send no more than 3 emails per week although marketing sage, Russel Brunson, has sent an email every day with great success.
If possible you should also tell them the days and times they should expect you to send them these helpful emails
This does a few things for you.
The first is that it builds your relationship with your email subscriber on a personal level.
This will be a deeper, more emotional, and long-term relationship with your email subscriber.
This is better than if you simply sent them your most recent offer and asked them to spend money with you.
We will do that in time, just not yet.

The second thing this does for you and most importantly is that it tells your email subscribers how you will help them.
This is like sending them an email that says, “Hi, my name is Jabez Roberts and from today I intend to ensure that I give you all the answers that you need to be successful in growing your business online.”
Who doesn’t want to get an email from Jabez now?
The reason why this works is that Jabez is now giving value and not asking for anything in return.
As a matter of fact, Jabez is now my best friend because Jabez is helping me solve the major business problems that I have including getting new customers, sales, and growth.
The third thing that this email will help us achieve is that it will tell our customers when to expect us to contact them.
This is how we will maximize our open and click-through rates because by doing this our email subscribers will never be surprised to receive an email from us.
Instead, they will be looking forward to reading our emails and getting that extremely valuable content that we always give to them.
Side note: We recommend that you use the free resources at the end of the article to help you send the best possible emails and get the best benefits from your email marketing campaigns.
One of the suggestions that are in these resources to help you get the best result from your email marketing campaigns is that you should never send an email if it is not packed with useful and helpful information that is relevant to your email subscribers. End Side note.
The reason why this works is that by providing value to your email subscribers you will ensure that they always open and click through to your emails.
If your emails are not valuable no one will waste their valuable time reading them.
Following this rule with every email you send will ensure that whenever you sell them something they will be more likely or inclined to purchase from you.
Now that they know when to expect emails from us and they know that the emails will be packed with the value they will be lining up, waiting, salivating even, just to get your next email because it will help them to solve those burning problems and answer those questions that keep them up at night and are driving them crazy.
These three factors will help us to get to a point where our emails are not only anticipated and desired but also highly sought-after.
Now that we have given all the value that we can possibly give to our subscribers the next thing that we need to do is try to make a quick sale.
The way this works is that there are some email subscribers who have such a burning desire to solve their problems that they are in ‘buy now mode’.
These customers are the ones that are more likely to make a purchase from you when they first sign up to your email list.
There is a second segment of email subscribers that will need a little bit of nurturing, education, and relationship-building before they are ready to make a purchase.
That is fine.
By using an email marketing drip campaign, nurture campaign, and taking advantage of all the resources that we have linked at the end of this article you will be able to build a relationship with them in no time and turn them into high-value, loyal, long-term customers.
At the end of our first welcome email what we will do is offer our customers or email subscribers the opportunity to solve their most burning desire using one of our products or services.
The way we will do this is by simply adding a link in our Call To Action to give them an incentive to make a purchase right now.
We will do this by using two powerful marketing tricks called Scarcity and Urgency.

How To Use Scarcity And Urgency To Increase Email Marketing Conversion Rates
Urgency is a psychological marketing strategy that is used to place in our customers the feeling that they need to make a purchase now or they will miss out.
Scarcity, on the other hand, is where we give our customers the feeling that there is a limited quantity or availability of items remaining, and if they do not take advantage and make a purchase now they will run out before they are ready.
This induces a fear of missing out and incentivizes them to take action and make a purchase instead of waiting until later.
Both of these are very powerful conversion tools used in marketing for ages.
What we will do next is that we will add a call to action – a prompt to our reader that tells them what to do next – to a landing page or special offer where we will give our email subscriber a discount or discount code to take advantage of purchasing one of our products or getting subscribed to one of our services.
This will help us to convert the warmest and most ready-to-buy email subscribers on our list into customers.
This works because email marketing, as we have seen in the statistics above, is a very powerful tool in customer acquisition, customer retention, generating a high return on investment, and even generating revenues.
We have also seen that customers expect to be marketed to via email when they subscribe to your email list.
Now that we have taken advantage of all these statistics that are in our favor of using email marketing and welcome emails to drive sales and get new clients for our business, we have added an effective call to action and bundled with it the effect created by urgency and scarcity we will have the highest chance of making or sale or signing up a new customer than if we use any other marketing media or strategy known to man today in 2022.
This is what I would like to call the Holy Grail of using email marketing, welcome emails, and the most effective marketing and conversion strategies to get new customers, new clients, sales, and revenues into your business.
Now that we have gone through the first email our job is not yet done. That is because our email subscribers are still new and they are still looking forward to hearing from us.
After all, we promised them that we would be sending over valuable information to help them solve their problems.
We have also told them when to expect our emails and we have also told them who we are.
Because they know all of this valuable information we are no longer a stranger but a trusted and helpful friend who they know will help them solve their problems.
We recommend that you use the following resources that we have provided for free to help you boost your conversions from email marketing.
Free Resources To Master Email Marketing
In this section, as promised throughout this article, we will provide a list of free resources to help you master email marketing and grow your business online.
You can find those free resources below:
- 12 Powerful Email Marketing Strategies Your Small Business Need To Succeed In 2021
- 14 Types of Email Marketing Campaigns for Small Businesses: How to Increase Revenues!
- 40 Genius Ways To Increase Your Email Signups
- 11 Email Marketing Best Practices 2022: How To Write Engaging Emails For Your Business
- 16 Powerful Email Marketing Lead Generation Strategies
- How Much Does Email Marketing Cost? 10 Amazing Statistics For Success
- How To Supercharge Your Inbound Marketing Results With Email Marketing
- 8 Best Online Marketing Services For Small Businesses: How To Market For Explosive Growth
- 10 Helpful Email Marketing Tips For Dentists: Get Explosive Growth For Your Dental Practice
- How To Supercharge Your Inbound Marketing Results With Email Marketing
Conclusion – How To Use Welcome Emails To Improve Email Marketing Conversions in 2021

This is the first of a two-part blog post that will teach us how to use welcome emails to boost the effectiveness and returns of your email marketing campaigns.
We have seen that welcome emails are a highly effective way to build trust, loyalty, and interest in your product.
Not only can welcome email help you drive more visitors into your marketing funnel and convert casual visitors into sales, but they also provide an opportunity for conversion at the end of the customer journey when it is often harder to make a sale or sign up new customers.
That’s why we recommend using welcome emails as part of your email marketing campaigns today!
If you have any questions about anything we have written below then feel free to reach out to us and ask for help by asking your questions in the comment section below.
If you would like help with your email marketing campaign, with marketing your business or growing your business online then set up a free consultation with our team using this link.
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Now you can earn up to $2,500 for every client you refer to Zeilhan when you join our affiliate program. You can learn more about the Zeilhan Affiliate Program by reading this article or you can sign up here. You can also click the image below.